

We consider grantee partners colleagues in our mission to promote gender equity through a relationship of solidarity and collaboration.

Feminist Philanthropy in Action

Feminist philanthropy is a political act that seeks to challenge and transform the notions of power and privilege. The relationship between PRWF and our grantees is one of collaboration and mutual respect. We recognize that our grantees are the key experts on how to implement projects in their communities and that any financial support needs to be holistic, accessible, and flexible.

This is how we can build a powerful network of women-led, sustainable organizations to ensure the attainment of gender equity.

Our Efforts

As feminist donors, our goal is to nurture a set of strong feminist organizations that lead a transformation of the power structures to advance gender rights. We invest in organizations that serve women and girls in all the diversity as well as the non-binary community. Many of these organizations lack flexible funds and face barriers in their access to funding. However, they have a crucial role in advancing the agenda related to climate change, food security, public policymaking, gender equity, and racial justice in Puerto Rico.

Our grants prioritize community organizations with insufficient funds whose social impact is not yet well-known despite their outstanding work in the community. We work with the communities most affected by inequality, discrimination, and violence.

Action Areas

Economic Justice

We support the economic development of women through grants targeted at projects that promote sustainability, trainings on organizational re-structuring and management, and access to seed capital

We support the economic development of women through grants targeted at projects that promote sustainability, trainings on organizational re-structuring and management, and access to seed capital

Gender and Racial Justice

We believe that gender and racial justice will come about only when every individual can live free of fear, discrimination, and violence. To create prosperous, safe, and fair communities, people must have access to economic, social, and political resources.

Climate Justice and Food Security

We invest in women who are leading the food security and sustainability movement by providing funds and technical support in order to strengthen their alliances and multiply their impact.

Reproductive Justice

We support educational activities and efforts, particularly those that are community-focused and offer people the tools to analyze, understand, and take a stance on issues that advance reproductive rights.

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Grantee Spotlight
Colmena Cimarrona
La Colmena Cimarrona practices solidarity economy, agroecology and beekeeping with the intention of flourishing food sovereignty in the Puerto Rico archipelago.
Grantee Spotlight
SIEMPREVIVAS RUM is a community-based university organization that provides services to women survivors of gender violence, their sons and daughters, primarily through support groups.
Grantee Spotlight
Colmena Cimarrona
La Colmena Cimarrona practica la economía solidaria, agroecología y apicultura con la intención de florecer la soberanía alimentaria en el archipiélago de Puerto Rico. Buscan germinar una finca guiada en principios agroecológicos que trabaje por la equidad y a su vez establecer una red de apoyo entre agricultores agroecológicos en Vieques que impulse la producción económicamente y culturalmente viable en Puerto Rico.
Grantee Spotlight
Colmena Cimarrona
La Colmena Cimarrona practica la economía solidaria, agroecología y apicultura con la intención de florecer la soberanía alimentaria en el archipiélago de Puerto Rico. Buscan germinar una finca guiada en principios agroecológicos que trabaje por la equidad y a su vez establecer una red de apoyo entre agricultores agroecológicos en Vieques que impulse la producción económicamente y culturalmente viable en Puerto Rico.