Economic Justice Fund

Generosity alone is rarely enough if you want to leave a legacy of outstanding results.
To ensure your donation creates a meaningful transformation in the communities you serve, we believe it cannot be through restricted grants. Nonprofits require our flexibility and trust to support their communities effectively.
As feminist donors, we believe investing in community-led organizations requires foundations and individual donors to provide operational funding to sustain their missions rather than focusing only on specific projects. Restricting funding limits the organization’s ability to support its community effectively. Gifts for general operating support are vital to fulfilling missions.
Accountants help balance budgets. Team-building activities prevent nonprofit employee burnout. Putting money aside for operational reserves instead of being forced to spend it right away can help an organization keep the lights on during a recession. Hiring a fundraiser expert or a grantwriter, will help the organization multiply your investment.

The Economic Justice Fund is dedicated to supporting the financial growth of women’s organizations and, in turn, the women they serve. We provide grants aimed at promoting sustainable projects, enhancing capacity building, covering essential operational expenses, restructuring administration, and facilitating access to seed capital. All of these initiatives are grounded in a feminist philanthropic model that honors the autonomy and expertise of our grantees.
The fund works with the following areas:
- organizational sustainability
- financial health
- wage security
- organizational planning
When women have access to decent jobs, workers’ rights, fair and equitable wages, and the economic power to make decisions that impact our lives, we can achieve economic justice. Additionally, when women have access to power in general and the opportunity to transform existing power structures, we can contribute to creating an economy that meets the needs of all women.