Our Team

Operations Manager

Dessy Bones Colón

Dessy Bones Colón has a master’s degree and academic preparation in Sociology from the University of Puerto Rico. She has more than 23 years working on issues related to women, starting in 1999 as Educational Coordinator at the community-based feminist organization Coordinadora Paz para las Mujeres. Subsequently, in 2001 she joined the work team of María Dolores Fenós López Cepero in the Women’s Attorney’s Office to direct, in the Development and Monitoring Division, efforts to diversify state and federal funds to strengthen the services that offered by non-profit organizations. Also, it was there to support interagency coordination and response to cases of domestic violence in the Justice System. In 2009, she joined the work team of the Educational and Community Program Support Corporation, Inc. (CAPEDCOM) and as Program Director she supervises the coordination of Community Dialogues, an island-wide consultation initiative on security issues. , health, education, among others. On the other hand, in 2011, she began direct service in the newly created transitional housing program of Hogar Ruth, Inc., a shelter for victims of gender violence, aimed at addressing the shelter needs of survivors of domestic violence.

In 2013, she went to work in the Municipality of San Juan and from there she went on to direct the Office for the Comprehensive Development of Women. In the municipal body he created important initiatives in the response to domestic violence. Among them, the strengthening of services for underserved populations such as immigrants, the LGBTTQI+ community and men, the 24/7 emergency line 939-CONTIGO and the telephone application for monitoring protection orders CONTIGO App stand out. In 2021, She returns to Hogar Ruth as Programmatic Coordinator of the Housing Programs where she was strengthening and systematizing the services offered.

Dessy brings to the Foundation her experience in effective management of funds and resources, especially her ability to align budgets to address programmatic needs. Also the creation of programs and accountability to financing sources. Likewise, the development and administration of projects aimed at enabling gender justice and gender perspective, in addition to being passionate about cooking.

Support the right to social and reproductive justice