Feminist Philanthropy

Traditional philanthropy has revealed an imbalance of power between those who donate or finance and those who receive, where the donor organization has control. In our grantmaking, PRWF is committed to changing the paradigm and exercising a relationship of solidarity and collaboration with the organizations we support through our acompañamiento and consultation model.

Our pursuit of a philanthropic model that is aligned with our mission and vision of solidarity has led us to practicing feminist philanthropy. Feminist philanthropy is based on collaboration and ongoing support, what we call acompañamiento, and the search for integrated, community-friendly solutions.

Our grants are aimed at providing flexible, sustainable funds to cover operational costs. Rather than the typical grants focused on specific programs that offer little or no organizational support, our grants are for general support. In this way, we promote organizational stability and strength and sustainability.

Given that the majority of these organizations have a heavy workload and limited staff, our grant request forms and required reports are clear and simple. Our grant process is designed to meet grantee needs because our goal is to be pertinent and strategic.

Feminist philanthropy is about transferring power to the people who are at the first line of defense of gender justice and to the collectives who are contributing to a more equitable, sustainable, and just future.