Your Generosity Transforms Lives

"It is the only financing entity that, with a gender perspective, has identified the need to invest in the mitigation and prevention measures necessary to minimize the human, physical and economic impact of responding to emergency events. Additionally, we recognize and appreciate the flexibility to address situations and needs that arise along the way during the grant and the ability granted to use the funds in a way that does not duplicate efforts and is used in the best possible way. In recent years, the Fundación de Mujeres has been key to strengthening the Paz para Ti Center in Adjuntas."

Other Ways to Donate

Send a check to: Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico
PO Box 361308
San Juan, Puerto Rico
00936- 1308 
Find us under donations: FundacionMujeresPR
Find us under donations: @FundacionMujeresPR
You may also use the button below:
Find us under donations, using the following username: @MujeresPR

If you want to learn about other ways to donate, whether with a DAF, an IRA or hosting a fundraiser, contact

The Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico is governed under code 1101.01 of the Department of Finance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and under the Federal Internal Revenue code 501(c) (3). Our ID number is 66-0931262. Every donation is tax deductible.

Your generosity directly supports grantee partners with...


Capacity Building
