Women Building Power
The document Women Speak: Summary of Proposals and Demands for Political Parties presents proposals for public policy changes aimed at guaranteeing the well-being of women, their families, and LGBTTIQ+ communities, gathered by La Ruta de las Mujeres, an initiative of Proyecto Matria.
This project is supported by the Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico, under the Gender and Racial Justice Fund.
We Organize and Demand Our Rights
It’s time to turn the proposals of women and LGBTTIQ+ communities into concrete actions ahead of the elections.
On the Path to Equity
During the event On the Path to Equity: Dialogue and Proposals from Community Leaders, these proposals were presented and discussed in a public forum. In addition to adding new suggestions, the audience had the opportunity to interact with one another to continue the discussion.
This initiative, in collaboration with La Ruta de las Mujeres, Proyecto Matria, Proyecto 85, Taller Salud, Comité Amplio para la Búsqueda de Equidad (CABE), and Ayuda Legal PR, served as a platform to highlight and advance equitable measures, one of the main goals of the Fundación de Mujeres en Puerto Rico.
See how community leaders presented their proposals during the open and participatory dialogue.
Explore the full photo gallery from the event.
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